Never tell anyone your password!

Even if you meet like-minded people in-game with whom you have a lot of fun and can rely on: please do not trust them without limit! The possibility that you will lose your account increases with every person that you give your password to.

Don't write your password down!

  • This can be very risky. If you have your password written down anywhere, then there is the possibility that somebody could find it. Someone that knows your password could use it to steal your character and use your Moon Stones. It is more secure to make a mental note of your password instead.

Only enter your password on the official 4Story website and in the 4Story client!

  • Do not enter your password on other websites and always check to make sure it truly is the official 4Story website when you log in. Do not enter your password on programmes that are supposed to provide you with Moon Stones, gold or other in-game advantages.

Be wary whilst using publicly available computers!

  • All the available browsers offer the option to save log-in data in order to simplify the process. Avoid using such options when using computers that others have access to: at Uni, in school, at the library, in internet cafes etc.

Use secure passwords! More often than not, the reason for the theft of an account is an insecure password. It is very important that you avoid using passwords such as 12345,





When creating a password you should ensure that it is difficult to crack and is complicated. Use a lot of characters including using capitalised and non-capitalised letters as well as numbers. Gameforge employees will never ask you for your password details.
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Password requirements: Your password must contain between 10 and 18 characters, including at least one upper and lowercase letter and a number. Special characters are not permitted.

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